Under Namo Tablet Yojana,college students will be given branded and high quality tablets at a very low price of around ₹ 1000, as the government wants to provide these students with good quality products.He could achieve modern education by using this tablet.The government could have given the tablets to the students for free if it wanted, but in that case the students could not understand the true value of and could not use it properly, keeping this in mind, the government took only ₹ 1000 from the students and gave them good variety and all. Will provide tablet with features.
How To Apply Namo Tablet Yojana 2021
Please read Information for Tablet Data Entry instruction carefully:
If you have not received id & password, contact helpline:079-266566000
Select Year Carefully For Students Registration
Step 6-
After Sucessfull Login>Go To Tablet Distribution>Tablet Students Entry
Step 7-
Go To Add New Students
Step 8-
Enter All Details Of The Student Carefully For Adding New Student And Save Record.