Download NetVelocity App For Measure Your Internet Speed
The description of NetVelocity
NetVelocity is a multipurpose mobile application that enables users to test, measure, compare and share their network performance – anytime, anywhere.
Speed Test
Perform speed tests to get real-time insight into your carrier’s performance.
Campaigns & Work Orders
Allows enterprise users to manage task, measure in-building coverage, conduct live drive test.
Aggregates and analyzes customer feedback based on events and user feedback.
Synchronize friends of the end-user through Facebook. Allows new users to receive and accept requests.
Engineering mode
Advanced features for measuring network performance & perform optimization & tuning.
IP tools
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Execution of Network Diagnostic commands like Traceroute, Ping, DNS Lookup & Port Scanner.
RF Information
Allows user to easily monitor additional LTE parameters, i.e. band info, TAC, RF KPIs, neighboring cells and serving cell information.
Device Information
Capture device specific KPIs, battery performance, temperature and system info like chipset, build & OS version.
Network Test
With a single click, perform drive test using pre-defined coverage test sequence.
मै सरकारी एम्प्लोई हु और सरकारी भर्तिया और योजना के बारेमे अच्छी नोलेज रखता हु। मेरे लेख से आप नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरियों, सरकारी योजनाओं और लाभकारी सूचनाओं के बारे में विश्वसनीय और अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। मेरा उद्देश्य भारतीय नागरिकों को रोजगार और विकास के अवसरों के बारे में अधिक जागरूक बनाना और इसके लिए प्रक्रियाओं को सुविधाजनक बनाना है।