If you have a Jandhan account, you will get a big benefit, Pradhan Mantri Man Dhan Yojana.

By LG Baraiya

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We get many benefits from the government. We should take advantage of every benefit. If you also have a Jandhan account in the bank, you can get a big benefit from the government. Under Pradhan Mantri Jandhan Yojana we get many benefits. Then the government has again issued a new scheme which is called Pradhan Mantri man dhan scheme.

Anyone between the ages of 18 to 40 can participate in the Central Government’s honorarium scheme. When a person turns 60, the money from the scheme is transferred to him. This involves an annual transfer of Rs 36,000.

Under this scheme you are entitled to get Rs. 3 thousand per month. Benefit of this scheme Workers working in unorganized sector, cobblers, masons, laborers are entitled to benefit under this scheme and you are entitled to the money of this scheme as pension.

ગુજરાતી મા વાંચવા માટે અહી ક્લિક કરો

In order to avail the benefits of this scheme, you need to have an Aadhaar card with you and also a Jandhan account in a bank.

LG Baraiya

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