Mukhyamantri Kisan Sahay yojna: Big announcement for Gujarat farmers, farmers will get compensation without paying a premium in assist by
He said that irregularity of rainfall in agriculture, especially in kharif season, is a factor causing economic loss to the farmers. The state government has decided to implement a scheme to easily benefit farmers against crop losses and cover all crops and areas across the state.
The Chief Minister said that this scheme is simple and transparent. He said that the benefits of SDRF will be kept the same and the benefits of this CM Kisan Sahay Yojana will be given.
CM Rupani said that the benefits of this scheme cover all the farmers in the state, big and small, not only that, the farmer will not have to pay any premium for this scheme.
If there is a problem in kharif crop, he will get greed for the plan. If there is a loss of 33% to 60%, Rs 20,000 per hectare will be paid. If the present is above 60,
But he will also benefit from this scheme. Farmers will have zero premium. The scheme covers drought, excess rainfall and Mawtha damage. All farmers, big and small, are covered under the scheme. Assistance up to a maximum of 4 hectares will be paid. If there is a loss of 33% to 60%, Rs 20,000 per hectare will be paid. If the present is above 60, the amount will be 25 thousand. All rupee will be paid by direct bank transfer.
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