The aim of the yoga is to take the mind away from these negative emotions in a positive direction, with the right practice of the yoga one attains physical-mental health and experiences ultimate peace through spiritual experience. The different practices of the yoga have the power to the prevent certain ailments from occurring. Thus yoga are acts as a shield against diseases.
The word ‘as’ is a derived from the original Sanskrit metal ‘as’, which means ‘to sit’. The word ‘asana’ can be a understood in two ways. One is a ‘through which a person sits’ and the other means ‘on which of a person sits’.
The first meaning refers to the state of the body or a mind. Such as a Susanna – The mind experiences are happiness by a sitting in this asana, hence the name ‘Susanna’. Some of the Ananias are named according to the position or a posture of the body. Such as a Pasadena. In this asana, the body is shaped like a lotus (pad ma), hence the name Pasadena. Moreover, in this asana, the state of the mind also becomes like a thousand lotuses.
Maharishi Palatalize has said, ‘Shirt Hamsun Asama’ i.e. asana is a state in which the mind feels a constant feeling of the happiness or a comfort and in that state the body has to be a kept are stable.
Today we are learn a nice, simple asana, which is an a asana for a meditation.
- Lay a thick comfortable in a chessboard on the first floor.
- Sit on the chessboard with your feet in front of your body.
- Hold in the left foot with the right hand and press down on the right foot.
- In the same way press in the right foot down to the left.
- Keep to your neck, head and spine upright.
Keep your hands on your knees or a in your lap and close your eyes. Keep to your arms and back straight but be careful not to feel stress anywhere in the body.
Note: Sit in a Susanna and focus on your breath, while a breathing feel that with each breath a lot of the positive energy, health, happiness is a entering your body and with every exhalation anger, stress, frustration, tension is a going out. ..
Imagine in that you are sitting on a chariot of the seven white horses and the chariot is a descending through your breath into your heart, all over your body. Feel the movement of your breath moving inside your body and feel the connection of the body, mind and breath. Gradually to your breathing will become deeper and more regular and with it your thoughts will also decrease. You will also have a less of an a unprecedented idea. You will bee a experience the bliss of an a unparalleled peace. Your whole body will dance and zoom with a unparalleled joy.
Do not worry if you do not experience this happiness in the beginning. Practice Susanna patiently every day. In the end you will bee a experience it. Happy Yoga Day !
What time to do this?
This can be a done early in the morning or in the evening. There are more benefits to the doing in the morning, because in the morning there are less thoughts, the mind is a cheerful and after doing Ananias there is a feeling of the freshness throughout the day. It is a better to do Ananias after a bathing.
Always do this on an a empty stomach. Do Ananias only after an a hour and a half after eating. Do not eat for an a hour after doing this..
- This is a very excellent asana to the relax. Helps to remove tension stored in a Anahata Chakra. .
- Removes a stiffness of the spine, neck and shoulders.
- Helps in a recovery from diabetes, high blood pressure and sexual dysfunction.
- Improves body-mind coordination. .
- Strengthens in the calf and calf muscles.
- Helps in a digestion and strengthens the muscles of the buttocks.
- Strengthens in the waist.
- In the depths of the back, the muscles are contract and expand in a simultaneously.
- The entire spine gets a steady pull from the front, benefiting each bead and it is a ligaments.
- This asana is more useful in a dyspepsia.
- This is an a instant reliever for a those who have a lot of the stress and anxiety. Hold for a 3 minutes.
- Helps to the strengthen the joints, ligaments, leg a muscles and spine.
- As the blood flows to the head, all the tension in the spine, shoulders and neck is a removed.
- Good asana as a helper in a eliminating diabetes, gas, acidity, constipation and indigestion. .
- Helps to the strengthen the back muscles and remove excess belly are fat.
- This asana is a extremely beneficial for a those who suffer from diabetes, constipation, indigestion and nervous weakness. .
- Those who suffer from lumbar dispositions and muscle pull should practice this asana.

मै सरकारी एम्प्लोई हु और सरकारी भर्तिया और योजना के बारेमे अच्छी नोलेज रखता हु। मेरे लेख से आप नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरियों, सरकारी योजनाओं और लाभकारी सूचनाओं के बारे में विश्वसनीय और अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। मेरा उद्देश्य भारतीय नागरिकों को रोजगार और विकास के अवसरों के बारे में अधिक जागरूक बनाना और इसके लिए प्रक्रियाओं को सुविधाजनक बनाना है।