Hello friends, we know that Karona has caused a lot of havoc in our country and due to Corona, there has been a sharp decline in people’s business as well as trade. Currently, the Rupani government has announced that now people will be able to do stage programs and artist programs.
At present, the number of cases of Corona has been steadily declining and for that, the Gujarat government is now relieving the people from lockdown. Sitting at home with artists and dj for a year in a row. His business and employment were taken away so he is now a little relieved.
We know that Navratri is also approaching and this decision of the government is showing enthusiasm among the people who are playing rasa in Garba. And now you can organize a program even at weddings and social occasions.
Even during Navratri, Garba organizers are expected to get concessions. Our Chief Minister of Gujarat may soon issue guidelines about Navratri.

मै सरकारी एम्प्लोई हु और सरकारी भर्तिया और योजना के बारेमे अच्छी नोलेज रखता हु। मेरे लेख से आप नवीनतम सरकारी नौकरियों, सरकारी योजनाओं और लाभकारी सूचनाओं के बारे में विश्वसनीय और अद्यतन जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। मेरा उद्देश्य भारतीय नागरिकों को रोजगार और विकास के अवसरों के बारे में अधिक जागरूक बनाना और इसके लिए प्रक्रियाओं को सुविधाजनक बनाना है।