Who open your phone lock capture photo wrong password application.

By LG Baraiya

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We keep a lot of information and a lot of secret information in our mobiles. We know that our phone is very useful for us and nowadays we can do a lot of work from home with the phone. We transfer money from our phones and do a lot of work. We are doing many necessary tasks in mobile so we are keeping lock in our phone.

Who open your phone lock capture photo wrong password application.

Even though we keep a lock on our phone, some people try to unlock our phone and we wonder who would have tried to unlock our phone if there is no lock in our phone then there is a lot of risk for us. If our mobile phones are not locked then we cannot keep anything safe.

Here is a nice fun application to keep our phone safe and to see who tried to unlock our phone. With this application, if someone tries to unlock our phone and the password entered by them is wrong, then this application. With the help of that person’s photo will be captured and saved in the gallery.

એપ ડાઉનલોડ કરવા –અહી ક્લિક કરો

This application is very nice and many people have also downloaded it. With the help of this app we can keep our phone safe.

LG Baraiya

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