ગુજરાત આજના બજાર ભાવ , Gujarat Today mandi bajar bhav
Gujarat Market Yard Today price
In many places in Gujarat where many items are sold, today we will see what is the price of a farmer’s crop in different market yards. Many crops like wheat, millet, sorghum, rye, groundnut are procured in all the mandis of Gujarat. We will first see the price of Unjha Market Yard.Many crops are also bought in Patan Market Yard. Many crops like millet, rye, castor, cotton, cumin are procured in Patan Market Yard.
Good prices of millet, sorghum, wheat, ryegrass, castor, tobacco, groundnut etc. are running in Deesa Market Yard. What are the prices of deesa APMC today.Today we will talk about today’s price of Siddhpur Market Yard. Siddhpur is a taluka in Patan district.There are many different prices in many districts of Gujarat and we are giving information of many different prices to the farmers every day.The Market Yard of Gujarat also includes the Market Yard of Himmatnagar, one of the famous market yards.
Many different crops are procured in the market yard of Himmatnagar. These include various crops like wheat, millet, sorghum, groundnut.Rajkot Market Yard is one of the most beautiful market yards in Gujarat and a lot of crops are distributed in this market yard. In it, traders buy many crops like millet, groundnut, rye.
Bhavnagar Market Yard is the largest market yard in Gujarat. Most of Bhavnagar and its surrounding areas come under this market yard.Many products are purchased at Jamnagar Market Yard. Many crops like millet, sorghum, wheat, maize, groundnut are auctioned in Jamnagar Market Yard.
The Amreli Market Yard receives large quantities of grains and pulses. In Amreli market yard, besides wheat, millet, sorghum, groundnut is produced in large quantities.The idar market yard in North Gujarat is considered to be the largest market yard in Sabarkantha. Many crops are bought in it.
Farmer friends, you may have liked the information we have given about the prices of various market yards in Gujarat. Different crops are produced in many areas in our Gujarat. For example, potato and millet are cultivated more in Banaskantha area and groundnut is cultivated more in Junagadh area. Also in the area around Patan more crops like chickpeas, rye, castor are sown

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