Tips To Increase Bike Mileage

By LG Baraiya

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tips to increase bike mileage.
tips to increase bike mileage.

Hello Friends, this is car and bike knowledge blog and Today I will give you tips you to how to increase mileage of bike. In short i would say that how you can increase your bike Mileage. I will give you 10 tips to increase bike mileage And surely it will work. Read the article till end so that any information won’t be missed. Let’s Get Started discus about how to increase mileage.

I was telling you 10 tips to increase bike mileage Yes, i will give you 10 tips to increase bike mileage.

1.Good Quality Fuel And Oil :

you need to take care of your bike by filling the right quality of fuel and best engine oil. Stay away from misleading leaded fuels and always choose good quality unleaded premium fuel for the best engine performance. You will get good quality fuel in the market You will get good quality fuel in the market Please fill fuel from trusted petrol station only Please fill fuel from trusted petrol station only Use good quality of fuel so that bike will deliver good mileage Use good quality of fuel so that bike will deliver good mileage Lets go to next point Second point is very important.

2.Tyre Pressure :

Check Get tyre pressure check regularly If the pressure is proper in your bike Then your bike will perform smoothly Smooth means i am not talking in sense of engine But Yes you will get good grip on road and your engine will not consume more fuel to generate more power to push your bike please check tyre pressure on regular basis maintain it on regular basis.

3.Carburetor Settings :

You can get carburetor setting manual and electronic. In BS4 model still it is Manual setting and mostly people having BS4 Model Bikes. It means those are carburetor operated bikes. why i am saying to set carburetor settings, as its very important to re-tune carburetor as it will result good mileage delivery Carburetor plays an important role to deliver Fuel + Air mixture to the engine to get good performance of engine If you don’t get carburetor retune Then it will deliver improper fuel + air mixture so that the fuel will be wasted and you will not get good or proper mileage.

4.Get your bike serviced regularly :

In regular interval whenever you usually do. so that all the working parts will be lubricated and perform well The trusted service center Use grease and oil to lubricate bike parts and engine perform well Due to any reason if you are unable to get your bike service like in this lock down, So please Get the Engine change in regular interval if you are using bike.

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5.Avoid Rash or Harsh Riding :

yes its very important Some people do racing in city road Which is very dangerous and not good at all for You and your bike as if your racing or rash riding Then off course you will do sudden breaking Sudden breaking and engine will experience lot of pressure Sudden breaking and engine will experience lot of pressure so i will advice you avoid Rash / Harsh riding.

6.Clean & amp; Lubricate bike Chain :

Now you would say that what is the relation between mileage and chain lubrication. So let me tell you that yes Mileage and Chain lubrication has relation. If your bike chain is lubricated and dust free then engine will not be more pressurized to rotate chain properly to push tyres hence its very important. You will get many products In the market to lubricate and clean the bike chain. Please keep your bike chain clean and lubricated.

7.Avoid parking in the sunlight:

Please do not park your bike in direct sunlight. The biggest drawback is parking bike in sunlight is bike color will get faded. bike color will get faded. bike color will get faded. Bike color will get faded. bike color will get faded. And other drawback is related to mileage is if you bike is comes in direct sunlight.Then petrol gets evaporated then petrol gets evaporated. Then you will think that bike is not giving said mileage. But that is not mileage issue The issue is petrol getting evaporated Because you made your bike park in direct sunlight. If you seems that you will be not near your bike for whole day then park your bike under shed of cover it.

8.Use Kill Switch :

Kill Switch is not Only for to switch off or switch on the engine. Some where that is true. But here I am relating this switch to mileage So in case If you are stuck in traffic and you know that it will take more time. Then, use kill switch and off the engine Due to which your bike engine will be healthy and it will save fuel consumption. So please switch off engine to save fuel and maintain mileage and if signal get green than get set GO.

9.Ride Bike In Economy Mode :

Yes, Very Very Important point to get good mileage In every mileage related article i used to explain Eco Mode. Please ride your bike in Eco mode to get good mileage. Economy mode means 50-60 KMPH speed. If you will ride your bike or scooter in Eco mode. Then But Obviously, you gonna get good mileage Hence nowadays two wheeler companies are adding this feature in meter console. Hence nowadays two wheeler companies are adding this feature in meter console. Hence nowadays two wheeler companies are adding this feature in meter console. In almost bikes or scooter you will get Eco mode feature.

10.Duplicate Bike Parts :

Yes,Duplicate Bike Parts Let me tell you, While manufacturing Bikes, the company keep this in mind That parts to be made in Synchronization With engine. Here i am talking about the parts related to engine Listen, Its very important point Please read carefully. Please replace bike parts which are bought form authorized service center only. Now You will say will say that same parts are available in market with cheap rate then why would i pay extra. Local market parts may be duplicate so please be aware.

Now you will say that it doesn’t matter if you use duplicate products. You are wrong and it matters a lot. Because original parts are in sync with engine, and company keeps this thing in mind and use original parts. If you will use fake/duplicate parts Then it won’t get sync and engine will perform improper. And you will not get captioned proper mileage Due to duplicate parts engine will experience pressurized and stressed and engine life would be decrease. And due to excess pressure in engine you will not get good mileage.

So these were 10 tips to increase mileage of your bike Which i had explained you. Thank you for reading this artical and please comment if you like article. I would like to request you that if you are new on my blog. So please share this artical and blog and tell your friends about it.

Thank You and Stay connected with us…

please read our “10 tips to increase bike mileage” in hindi.

LG Baraiya

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